Grateful this day for my husband's commitment to our yard. We worked out a plan to add a shed and he has really spent so much of his time to bring that plan to fruition. This Monday, after my quick trip to Houston, found several new plants in the yard just waiting to find the correct location to be planted. Next spring our yard will be wonderful!!
Bright white sheets and a freshly made bed, Sunday evening I am grateful for both! Staying home all day on a Sunday is one of my favorite things. It gives me the opportunity to catch up on my "home" chores which includes laundry and a bit or organizational work. Usually it is also the day when I catch up with school work although that did not fair so well today! I did quite a bit of cleaning out in the studio which is where I was also able to catch a bit of football on tv. All in all, not a bad day!
Grateful as always for Sunday. I love the opportunity to stay home all day! Yesterday was extra wonderful, an extra hour of sleep! Color me very happy. I have been waiting since March for that hour to show up again!
Sometimes I feel like my life is just circling in around me. When I begin to feel overwhelmed by body just shuts down and I spend a great deal of time being unproductive. After being sick for a fair amount of our winter break Mark and I decided we needed to get a better handle on some things. One of those things being food shopping and the preparing of food. I generally do not mind cooking. Just don’t ask me to prepare dinner on a night after I have taught all day and then run over to the shop to work the closing shift, getting home around 7. That was not happening.
Now we are back to cooking several meals on a Sunday while we are both home. It just becomes a part of our scheduled routine and that works so much better for us. Now Sundays are for laundry, changing the sheets, cooking and making our to-do lists for the shop. Unfortunately, in order to cook, we need to have food in the house. Seriously, I cannot take the time out of my week to shop and Mark is too much of an impulse buyer to do the weekly foodshopping.
Thank goodness for online grocery shopping. I place the order on Sunday, after we spend our brunch time making a list and planning meals. It is working out so well! Mark picks up the order on Monday afternoons at a set time and the food is put away by the time I get home from work. Seriously convenient.
Another way we are streamlining our lives is by ordering our cleaning supplies online from Grove Collaborative. I love that we are able to order earth friendly products and have them shipped straight to our home. We are still struggling with time management and organization both of which have always been a thorn in my side, but we are making progress. What helps is trying to keep school work at school and well, store work everywhere, but I seriously love that part of our current crazy!
Taking down Christmas makes just as much of a mess as putting up Christmas. I am not really good at either and I absolutely hate the mess. Having said that, I can do a very good job of ignoring the mess if I have to! Yesterday I did just that. After starting my Sunday chores of laundry and changing the sheets, I delved right into cooking. My goal was to make soup and a pot roast in the slow cooker. Making food on a Sunday helps us tremendously through the week.
I am at the shop at least three days after work and the last thing I feel like doing when I get home is cooking dinner. I would rather just stuff my face with a snack and move on. Diabetes and other autoimmune issues make that a very bad idea, so I decided to cook on Sunday. I also ordered our groceries online and had Mark go and pick them up. Shopping is another one of those chores which is very difficult after tackling two jobs.
So Sunday is now the changing sheet, doing laundry, cooking dinner and making lunch day. I think this just may work out for us!
Tonight I am grateful for the opportunity to get a haircut with my hubby and then home for an early evening. Leftovers for dinner and into jammies early. It truly feels like a dream come true! I will catch up with my posts for my earlier days but tonight - it’s time for bed!
I absolutely love this time of year! My Sundays are much more productive when I am listening to football from the tv upstairs. Although, I really do believe that I went into this weekend much stronger than I have in a long time. Yesterday we made such great progress in the shop and today, lesson plans first and then a few school administrative things before tackling the household chores. I even made my lunch for the next couple of days.
I am hoping to be more productive in school, making good use of my lunch time and prep so that I am not bringing too much work home. In that spirit I will probably plan on staying at school a little later on Mondays. Mornings would be better, but I really cannot promise to wake up early! It’s just not in my blood!
Seriously, this cat is the strangest cat that has ever graced our home. Last evening, after working late, I came home to find him very agitated. Not sure why, but I chose to just go on with what I had planned to do - shower and then finish my latest novel. I was sitting in the dining room, preparing to place an order for the shop when I heard a racket in the kitchen. I looked up to find Marlow wrestling a mouse under the open dishwasher. He was going crazy and that poor mouse didn’t stand a chance.Usually I am not a panic around bugs or mice or birds that break into my house, but last night was different. That cat was so proud of his conquest that he took ownership of that poor mouse. Everytime I tried to get near enough to dispose of the poor thing, Marlow would pick him up in his mouth and move him. I didn’t help matters any, I just screamed. Seriously?
I could not wait until Mark got home. I covered the mouse under a shoe box and put shoes, a jar of pasta sauce anything to weigh it down. That cat and that mouse set off my entire evening. Nothing got done because everytime I turned my back on the cat, he managed to expose that mouse. I was a wreck and completely worn out by the time Mark took care of the mouse. Here’s hoping that the next time it is storming outside, the mice find another place to seek shelter!
Seriously, this cat is the strangest cat that has ever graced our home. Last evening, after working late, I came home to find him very agitated. Not sure why, but I chose to just go on with what I had planned to do - shower and then finish my latest novel. I was sitting in the dining room, preparing to place an order for the shop when I heard a racket in the kitchen. I looked up to find Marlow wrestling a mouse under the open dishwasher. He was going crazy and that poor mouse didn’t stand a chance.Usually I am not a panic around bugs or mice or birds that break into my house, but last night was different. That cat was so proud of his conquest that he took ownership of that poor mouse. Everytime I tried to get near enough to dispose of the poor thing, Marlow would pick him up in his mouth and move him. I didn’t help matters any, I just screamed. Seriously?
I could not wait until Mark got home. I covered the mouse under a shoe box and put shoes, a jar of pasta sauce anything to weigh it down. That cat and that mouse set off my entire evening. Nothing got done because everytime I turned my back on the cat, he managed to expose that mouse. I was a wreck and completely worn out by the time Mark took care of the mouse. Here’s hoping that the next time it is storming outside, the mice find another place to seek shelter!
Sundays are for...sleeping late,taking in the sunshine...Sunday chores...watching the birds...reading in your pajamas...watching the clouds float by...bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches...basically just hanging out!
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